The domiciliation of the registered office is an obligatory step for any company creation, whatever the legal form. It is not to be taken lightly as it can have consequences on the company's image. But where to domicile one's company? There are many possibilities for this, but depending on the nature of the company's activity, the will of the directors and their capital, the type of domiciliation may differ from one company to another.

Focus on company domiciliation

The domiciliation of the registered office of a company or firm is the official and administrative address of the box. Defined in the articles of association at the time of its creation, it makes it possible to determine the competent court, the nationality of the company as well as the applicable law in the event of litigation. It should be noted that a company may have several establishments, but not several seats. The place of domicile may be changed during the life of the company, but this involves carrying out a long list of formalities (amendment of articles of association, drafting of minutes of Extraordinary General Meetings, publication of legal notices, etc.) and requires the intervention of a professional.

Where to domicile the head office of his company?

Depending on the needs of the company, the domiciliation of the registered office can be an establishment corresponding to the place of exercise of the activity, but also a completely independent address. In the case of a sole proprietorship, it can be set up at home or at the home of the company's legal representative in the case of a SAS or SARL. This is the most economical solution and requires few administrative formalities. The entrepreneur can also domicile his company in a business incubator which has the main advantage of encouraging the sharing of skills or experience with other entrepreneurs. The other domiciliation solution that allows a better separation between personal and professional activities is domiciliation in a domiciliation company or in a commercial premises.

Domiciliation of a company at home: rules to respect

Domiciliating your business in your own home is a simple and economical solution. Click here for more information. However, when setting up a company or transferring the registered office, it is important to understand and find out about the legal framework and any prohibitions. Indeed, there are no rules preventing you from locating your business at your home if you are a homeowner or if you carry out your activity elsewhere. On the other hand, there are rules that must be respected if you are a tenant. For example, you can domicile your company at your home if no contractual provision (lease contract) disputes it. If necessary, you can still domicile it at your home, but for a limited period of 5 years.