Business & trends

Capturing Generation Z

Capturing Generation Z: Meeting their expectations to stay competitive

Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, are the youngest group of consumers, workers, and influencers in the current society. With their growing purchasing power, digital proficiency, and socially conscious attitudes, Generation Z is revolutionizing markets and industries, leading…

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ville connectée

Les villes connectées, une nouvelle opportunité pour les citoyens ?

L’évolution des nouvelles technologies permet d’améliorer les services urbains. De nos jours l’apparition des villes connectées ont vu le jour utilisant les nouvelles technologies comme des applications mobiles pour optimiser son organisation dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie de ses…

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Comment une caisse enregistreuse peut améliorer la gestion d’une boulangerie ?

Une caisse enregistreuse moderne représente un atout précieux pour optimiser la gestion d’une boulangerie. Cet article explore les différents avantages apportés, de l’encaissement fluide aux analyses de vente détaillées, en passant par une meilleure gestion des stocks. Optimisation de l’encaissement…

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E-commerce: the big boom in food supplements and alternative medicine products

Dietary supplement consumption is currently at its peak. According to a study, nearly 40% of French people consume food supplements and in Belgium nearly 57% also use them (especially women). Apart from this, with “neo-diseases” (illnesses that traditional medicine cannot…

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Business coaching: why is personal development assistance trendy?

In recent years, business coaching has become a common practice within companies. More than a professional development tool, it also helps personal development and brings its share of benefits for individual performance. There are various reasons why it is the…

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Which professionals to call upon when you want to boost your SEO?

SEO is now becoming essential for each site that plans to make itself known. In reality, the use of the Internet is essential. It is a tool accessible to all, at any time. Consumers as well as clients prefer to…

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